
Contact us for hot air balloon rides - reservations - information Contact us

Since 1991 at your service:
Flybird - Hot air balloon flights - Gino Ciers
Barzestraat 45 - B-8531 Hulste (Harelbeke)-Belgium

Tel +32 (51) 312 325
You can call us 7/7, from 9 - 19 h, current time in Belgium is: Current time in Belgium is: 12:18

mail :

VAT: BE 0 444 125 782
bank KBC IBAN: BE77 7384 1725 7242 BIC: KREDBEBB
bank Fortis/ Paribas IBAN: BE24 2850 5893 8138 BIC: GEBABEBB
Authorization of aereal work n° 475

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*Check: (please calculate the sum)

*The fields with a star (*) are obligated.





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